Monday, February 9, 2015

We Have Rights to Your Pensions

After reading Mark Lisheron's article, Pensions of former Texas lawmakers can be kept secret: Judge, it has become painfully obvious that we, as Americans, are losing our rights to information. On February 5th, 2013, District Judge Lora Livingston ruled the state is no longer obliged to inform the public how much money goes into pensions for former members of the legislature. Normally, it is frowned upon to talk about how much money we earn. Considering it is OUR taxpayer's money that is going into these pensions, it now takes on a different view.

It's similar to writing a blank check for someone to paint your house and being told they won’t have to tell you how much their services cost. Why would lawmakers want to keep this information under wraps? My thoughts lean in the same direction of the TJP director, Craig McDonald: "They're hiding it because maybe we think the retirement might be too extravagant." Nailed it. Granted, if I was making as much money per year as our lovely-locked former Governor, I would probably want to keep it on the down low too. Governor Perry received a state pension worth more than $92,000 ON TOP of his annual salary of $150,000 in 2012. A government by the people and for the people should be transparent to the people. 

I recommend this article to all taxpayers so they are more aware of the level of transparency dictated by our courts and legislature. Once you are in any kind of governmental office, you've agreed that the salary part is no longer private. It should be no different for pensions. This is a democracy and we the people have rights to know where all our hard earned money is going. V for Vendetta.